Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Site owner of a Sub site cannot save any list as Template gets Access Denied.

I am working with a new organization now and we deal more in the user interface then the server side and you know what its definitely a learning experience when you stand at the other side, we truly ignore what would an action on the server result at the users end and it a great learning curve here.

From now on my posts will me more of client specific rather then server because not everyone using SharePoint has an access to server but they do have issues
Most of the users face “Access Issue” we as administrators inherit and break permissions, play with the item and list levels and it some times does impact the customers the issue I had recently was

A Site owner of a Sub site cannot save any list as Template gets Access Denied.

Here we have a site collection with site admins and we have some sub sites under it, every sub site is governed by different site owners (and admin’s as well but they do not step into another territory)

When a site owner tries to save any list as template he gets AcceSS denied

The issue lies with the List template gallery in the Main site o look at that logon to main site > site actions > site settings > Galleries > List template gallery

We saw that the Site collection admin was running it with unique permissions and the site owner for the sub site was given Read access out there

We then added him as contribute on list template gallery and it fixed the issue for us

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi nidhi

I'm new bee in this sharepoint. I am having problem debugging page which displas 500 internal server error.

1) Basically i had 4 tab eg A,B,C,D
2) when i was clicking C tab , it was highlighting A tab but diplaying C Page. So i went site settings , clicked on Title section and in eb Url part i typed wrong url by chance and i clicked Ok.
3) after this when ever i click on TAB i get 500 internal server error.

How do i fix it?